group workshops & events



nurturing group sessions

soul circle

Held every fortnight in Sutherland starting Tuesday 4 June 2024


Join me in this serene studio space for an evening of connection, guidance, support and love.

This group is for all - spiritual/religious/curious, men/women, young/old. This is a fully inclusive space for people of all cultures and backgrounds, regardless of where you are at in your soul expansion, personal growth or healing journey.

My intention is to provide a regular point of connection with myself and others while we all walk our parallel paths together. A sense of community where wisdoms and experiences are shared at a deep level is something I feel we all crave.....and I know those that are meant to come will feel the need to be there!

Each fortnight's circle will be slightly different depending on the collective energies and my intuitive reading of the night. Anticipate meditation, tea or cacao ceremonies, sound healing, chakra balancing, drumming, sharing and discussion, somatic movement (stretch, dance, flow) and so much more. It may also evolve into sharing skills or gifts each of us bring to the circle.

Small gifts to take home will also be provided each fortnight as a tangible reminder of the night and what was shared.

This circle is for you if:
~ you are feeling stuck and need some momentum and direction on how to move forward in your life

~ you're feeling blissfully at ease with yourself and your life, and enjoy taking time to nourish your soul

~ you care for other people most of your time, and need someone to hold space for you in a safe and deeply relaxing setting

~ you want to create consistency in your self-care, mindfulness or spiritual practice to help you stay connected and supported

~ you want to feel a sense of community and connection with others throughout your journey

silent meditation + sound bath


Step into the peace and calm of this serene studio space for a relaxing lunchtime meditation and sound bath.

With this session, my goal is to create a safe, relaxing, silent space for you to come and just BE.

With the liberation that comes from complete silence, find your space (laying down or seated) and allow your body to release all tension while the soothing vibrations of crystal sound bowls flow through you.

This session will suit those that need a stress release during their working week, those that are curious about sound healing, and those that would feel more comfortable without talking or having a guided meditation interrupting their bliss.

~ Each session is 30 minutes to allow time for lunch if you only have an hour's break. 

~ Please arrive right on 12.15pm if you can (if you are slightly late, please be mindful of others and move quietly into the space).

~ There is space outside the studio door to sit and remove your shoes. Please then enter the studio space quietly and pop your belongings in the storage unit just inside the door.

~ Bookings are essential to secure your place, sessions will be held weekly, so if you miss out on a date be sure to secure the next available week

~ Investment is $15, payable in cash on the day (please pop into the basket as you enter)

“the quantum field responds not to what we want, it responds to who we are being”

Dr Joe Dispenza