YOUR JOURNEY to wholeness.

I am certified and trained in a range of Holistic Healing Therapies that I am honoured to share and offer to you.

At the centre of them all is a belief that we are all energetic beings, living in a world of energy and vibration, and connected by our consciousness to something far deeper and greater than ourselves. And the belief that dis-ease and disharmony will occur when our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states are not in alignment.

The holistic healing therapies I offer are completely natural and gentle ways to restore balance and harmony in your body, mind and spirit.

Whether you are looking for a way to cope with and overcome stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, migraines or other physical or emotional challenges, these holistic therapies can offer you a unique and transformative inner and outer healing experience. They can be used in conjunction with each other, or as a complementary therapy as they only support your natural healing processes and so do not interfere with any other treatment you may be receiving .

~ Angela ~

“I received the Complete Energy Rebalance and it was beyond amazing. It fulfilled all of my intentions and more. I always felt safe and relaxed throughout the healing and instantly felt comfortable with Kylie. She has a very special gift, is such a warm, kind soul and I am so grateful that our paths crossed. Needless to say, I highly recommend Kylie.”

~ Name withheld ~

“Thankyou so much for the session. it was truly one of the most powerful sessions i have ever had in my life. kinda knocked the socks off me but the results have been life changing.

you are a kind and gentle soul and you really sat in that and supported me. it’s exactly what i needed to be so supported.

thank you thank you thank you. you are incredible and so blessed you took the time to connect with me. I’m so incredibly grateful.”

Sessions are currently being held at Resonant Soul, located at 1/728 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland 2232

shamanic drumming

Shamanic Drumming is a transformative experience where you are taken on a journey to the depths of your subconscious to unravel the mysteries within yourself.

The Shamanic Drum creates healing vibrations that resonates deeply within your being. This grounding and earthy medicine taps into the ancient wisdoms and enhances your connection with Gaia and your ancestors like nothing else.

Allow me to lead you into a deep meditative state of altered consciousness. I guide you towards that which you seek, then allow the drum to take over and hold you in your journey of remembering. You may uncover answers you seek, meet your spirit animal, connect with ancestors or simply discover truths that expand your potential.

Having followed my Shamanic path for several years, embracing ancient traditions, animism and shamanism, I’ve unlearned with the mind and awakened with my heart. Through deep work, dropping the ego, and embracing elemental and animal spirits, I was shown true connection and my divine purpose. The birthing of my Shamanic Drum marked my second full life transformation, and I’m excited to share its magic with you.

If you are interested in experiencing this immersive healing for yourself, please contact me to book a session. Together, we'll explore the depths of your spirit and uncover the wisdom that lies within.


Usui Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan. It helps create harmony within your mind, body and spirit and facilitates a flow of abundance into your life.

Reiki is a holistic healing technique that opens the channel for vital universal energy to flow through the hands of the Reiki practitioner into your body. This energy flow helps unblock your chakras (the energy centres of your body), helping you release emotions or experiences that are being stored in your body, affecting your well-being and preventing you from moving forward in your life.

Reiki can also help you achieve a state of deep relaxation and meditation, which can enhance your creativity, intuition and happiness.

I am a certified Reiki practitioner and pleased to share this healing modality with you. During the session, you lay comfortably and fully clothed on a Reiki table and simply relax and enjoy the experience. I gently place my hands on or above different parts of your body (except for sensitive areas), allowing the energy to flow where it is needed.

If you are interested in experiencing the benefits of Reiki for yourself, please contact me to book a session.

crystal therapy

Transpersonal Crystal Therapy is a holistic healing modality that utilises the energetic properties of crystals to balance your energy, enhance your well-being and support your personal growth.

Transpersonal crystal therapy takes your healing to a deep spiritual level to help you move through challenging times of your life and reconnect with your higher self and true purpose. It is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their health, happiness and harmony.

As a Transpersonal Crystal Therapist, I help you access your inner wisdom and re-discover your limitless potential within. By harnessing the frequencies of crystal vibrations and placing them on and around your body, I can help release energy blockages and balance your chakras to harmonise your mind, body and spirit.

Whether you are looking for physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing, transpersonal crystal therapy can assist you in achieving your goals and living your best life.

Book a session with me today and experience the benefits of transpersonal crystal therapy for yourself.

sound healing

The power of sound and vibrations is completely transformational for your inner healing! I am honoured to offer this holistic healing modality for your mind, body and soul.

Through my intimate sound healing sessions, I take you on a journey that will create a flow of energy within your body and leave you feeling more connected to your higher self.

The healing frequencies pass through every crystalline cell in your body, bringing them together in perfect unity and activating your inner healing powers. Any stress or tension will completely dissolve and you will leave feeling refreshed, empowered and more in alignment with your truth.

Elements of ritual may be incorporated into each session, depending on your intentions on the day. A variety of instruments may be used including crystal sound bowls, Shamanic Drum, tingsha cymbals, elemental chimes, rain stick, tongue drum and shamanic rattles.

spiritual guidance

A whole new world awaits you through a spiritual awakening. A new awareness of yourself, a new way of relating to the world and everyone in it, a new direction in your life.

When you first get a glimpse beneath that veil and see the truth - that you are a Divine being, inextricably connected to every living thing in the world - it will bring you the greatest bliss of your life….

Remembering who you are and where you came from,

Reconnecting with your Higher Self, and

Rediscovering your innate gifts, your intuition, the power of your mind.

I am a Wayshower. Humbled to help guide you along your path and explain the overwhelming amount of options to help you grow and expand your soul:

Wondering when to experience Breathwork, Reiki, Shamanic drumming, Shamanic journeying, Hypnotherapy, Ice baths, Quantum journeying, Quantum meditation, Sound Healing, Ancestral Contract clearing, Energy Healing, Chakra balancing, Crystal Therapy, Transpersonal therapy, Inner child work, Womb Healing, Art Therapy, Shadow work, Cacao ceremony, Chanting, Kirtan, Mantras, Journalling, or how and when to meditate?

Work with me to uncover your spiritual needs and process the integration of each experience, leading you towards Divine Soul Expansion.

Connect with me for a free 15 minute consultation call today.

Holistic counselling

If you are feeling stuck in a loop, like you are having recurring triggers and behaviour patterns that are not for your highest good, then holistic counselling might be an option for you to break through the cycle for good.

Wellness coaching sessions can sometimes focus too much on the goals and outcomes, and gloss over what is really holding you back. And traditional psychology and counselling can sometimes focus only on the symptoms that become apparent - depression, anxiety, addictions, eating disorders, relationship breakdowns - without delving deep into the shadows to meet the root causes.

Sometimes these labels become just another thing ‘to deal with’ or ‘overcome’, and can set you back in your healing and personal growth.

Holistic counselling is a form of therapy that addresses you as a whole person, not just your symptoms. It helps you explore your feelings, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours, to understand yourself at a deeper level. To uncover limiting beliefs that are holding you back, find their root cause and release their grip. To awaken your inner power and uncover your infinite potential.

If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, a 1:1 holistic counselling session might be the right next step for you.

I am currently completing a Diploma of Counselling and Holistic Counselling practitioner’s course. I’m offering complementary holistic counselling sessions to just 3 people who are prepared to commit to their growth and development, in exchange for valuable feedback on our sessions that will help me expand personally and professionally and deliver exceptional holistic counselling to more and more people.

Connect with me to apply today.

“as a holistic being you shatter the illusion of your separateness and reveal your connection to everything. this empowers you in a way that the ego-driven self could never contemplate”

Wayne W Dyer